In this blog post, we introduce you to Todd Romaine, one of the two Canadian brothers who was the brainchild behind the website. For the story behind our name, read Do we really hate taxis?
![]() | co-founder Todd Romaine in the West Falkland Islands |
What one word or phrase describes the type of traveler you are?
TODD: Daring or adventurous
When did you first get the travel bug?
TODD: At the age of 21 I moved to Madagascar for school and this started my quest for international travel. As of last year I have made it to all 7 continents.
TODD: Daring or adventurous
When did you first get the travel bug?
TODD: At the age of 21 I moved to Madagascar for school and this started my quest for international travel. As of last year I have made it to all 7 continents.
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Todd in Antartica |
What was your most memorable trip?
TODD: My recent trip last year to Argentina, Uruguay, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Antarctica was probably the highlight of international travels to date. It essentially followed Ernest Shackleton's infamous journey back in 1915.
What's the worst thing that has gone wrong on your travels? How did you recover from it, and what did you learn?
TODD: Was able to get into Kamchatka Territory in the Russian Far East through a contact whom pestered the local customs officer to let me through immigration control. The contact insisted on driving me taxi style into town and was very drunk, swaying in and out of traffic. It was very scary and I was surprised to escape unscathed.
What's your travel style?
TODD: My recent trip last year to Argentina, Uruguay, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Antarctica was probably the highlight of international travels to date. It essentially followed Ernest Shackleton's infamous journey back in 1915.
What's the worst thing that has gone wrong on your travels? How did you recover from it, and what did you learn?
TODD: Was able to get into Kamchatka Territory in the Russian Far East through a contact whom pestered the local customs officer to let me through immigration control. The contact insisted on driving me taxi style into town and was very drunk, swaying in and out of traffic. It was very scary and I was surprised to escape unscathed.
What's your travel style?
TODD: As I get older I prefer making arrangements in advance but not overkill to ruin spontaneous fun. The best part of the trips I find are the unplanned events that make trips that much more exciting and thought provoking.
What's your favourite airport? Least favourite? Why?
TODD: Favourite airport is probably Minneapolis because it has an easy layout, and Singapore for amenities. I would also say Johannesburg is also out there. Least favourite is probably Chicago because of the great distances between terminals and frequent lost baggage and weather issues.
How do you prefer to get to/from the airport?
TODD: I commonly rent a vehicle and this is my most common preferred travel option to/from the airport on a personal basis. On a professional basis, I generally take taxis out of convenience as my trips are congested and sometimes I do not have the luxury of coordinating bus or train schedules to my final destination.
TODD: Favourite airport is probably Minneapolis because it has an easy layout, and Singapore for amenities. I would also say Johannesburg is also out there. Least favourite is probably Chicago because of the great distances between terminals and frequent lost baggage and weather issues.
How do you prefer to get to/from the airport?
TODD: I commonly rent a vehicle and this is my most common preferred travel option to/from the airport on a personal basis. On a professional basis, I generally take taxis out of convenience as my trips are congested and sometimes I do not have the luxury of coordinating bus or train schedules to my final destination.
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Todd in Tibet |
What was your worst airport ground transportation experience?
TODD: Taking taxis by and large because I am commonly ripped off hence the intent of creating this website to empower travelers like myself. I was accused by a taxi driver in Beijing of stealing his passport and wallet while he exited the vehicle for 20 seconds. A group of villagers surrounded the vehicle and went through our belongings but to no avail. We threatened to call the Police so the taxi driver temporarily calmed down and agreed to drive us back to the hotel. En route to the hotel, it appeared he was having a stroke from the stress and was weaving in and out of traffic. We exited the vehicle by forcing the vehicle to the side and had a considerable walk back to the hotel.
What gear do you travel with?
TODD: Dummy wallet (dependent on country), print copies of hotel and flight information, scanned print out of passport, checked luggage and carry on knap sack. I also take a good camera to locations with low crime rates and a pocket camera for locations where my personal security could be compromised. I also bring along my blackberry to check internet through free wireless connections in airports and hotels. This includes bringing a local adapter.
What's always in your luggage that might surprise people?
TODD: Shoe tree
![]() | co-founders Steve Romaine (left) and Todd Romaine (right) at Edmonton International Airport |
What's it like to travel with your brother?
TODD: Good but we definitely have a different view point when it comes to money. Steve will stay at the airport bartering with taxi cabs at 2am for the best deal to save money while I am prepared to sacrifice somewhat for the convenience of just getting to the hotel.
Where was your last trip?
TODD: My last trip was two months ago to Cyprus and Lebanon. It was for school and pleasure and unfortunately the weather was terrible, averaging about 2-6 degrees Celsius.
Where do you plan to travel to next?
TODD: Besides routine trips across Canada and the United States, Greenland is the next scheduled trip.
Coming soon: an introduction to the “other” brother...
TODD: Besides routine trips across Canada and the United States, Greenland is the next scheduled trip.
Coming soon: an introduction to the “other” brother...